In order to be able to accomplish that task, a Company must have the means to assume the cost involved, the knowledge and a marketing platform to go with it. In addition, the other ingredient needed is dedication of which we focus on extensively and offer you, the client, a team of seasoned professionals dedicated to satisfying the highest of our client’s demands. We provide professional service and years of experience to back up all transactions which lead to positive results!
We also offer you the opportunity of obtaining our property value assistance with no obligation. With property value assistance, this will allow you to get insight on the worth of your home in today’s market place. With this information, you can then price your home correctly which will result in a quick and successful sale; thereby obtaining the results you and your family desire. We offer as our marketing techniques the following:National & International Property Websites: We are subscribed to a large number of internet websites search engines and servers. This method provides maximum internet exposure for your property. E-mail Marketing: That is, Massive e-mail marketing! This system works through our company owned servers which send out thousands of emails daily. These e-mails will contain a detailed feature listing of your property in a special HTML format including photos to illustrate your property and place it in the hands of an unlimited amount of local, national & international Buyers looking for property in the price range and the characteristics of your property in the particular area. Text Messaging: This method provides an unlimited amount of inquiring phone calls from local Buyers. This provides our Company with many buyer leads to choose from and according to their needs, guide them towards our companies listed properties. Simultaneously, we take the opportunity to pre-approve them to determine their financial capability and eligibility for a mortgage loan. Fax Broadcasting: This method of Massive fax marketing will send out large amounts of fax messages to local businesses. The marketing faxes are received by their office personnel, distributed amongst themselves and possibly given to friends and family members who might be looking to buy a home. This is another very effective method we use in providing our Company with leads of many home Buyers. Voice Broadcasting: This other company system will broadcast messages daily to thousands of consumers offering a variety of Mortgage loan products which we have available. Thus, reaching those home owners looking to refinance and at the same time, Buyers in the market searching for homes. Offering them professional help with the purchase and financing of their future home, this provides our Company with many Buyer leads and therefore, gives us the opportunity to guide them first towards our companies listed properties. Traditional Media: Advertising in newspapers….locally, nationally and internationally! Multiple Listing Service (M.L.S): This is the system all Realtors use to list properties and let other Realtors know specifics about the property. This system also contains photos of the property and is the Realtor’s system of choice to search for all listings. For Sale Sign: For sale signs are optional. You, as the seller decide if we should place a sign in front of your property. If you choose to do so, we will gladly put the signage up. However, our company does not rely on for sale signs to produce sales. Mortgage Lenders: In addition to our great marketing techniques, we are also mortgage lenders. We have perfected our pre-approval process to determine borrower financial capability and eligibility up-front with full documentation. This eliminates your property from being tied up for several weeks or more, to then be advised that the borrower does not qualify. We provide you with peace of mind and control throughout the entire transaction and mortgage lending process. All contracts we present to all our sellers are backed up with a substantial deposit from the buyer to insure their commitment. Additionally, we utilize special clauses assuring that the transaction will end in a “closed” sale. Short Sales: If you are upside down on your mortgage, don’t worry! We have the Buyer available to place your property under contract immediately and through our in-house Legal Firm Loan Workout Legal Group, we will persuade your lender to accept a short sale offer. A short sale will release you from a deficiency liability and will avoid foreclosure, which remains on your credit report for a period of 10 years. Experience: With our years of experience in the real estate business, marketing capabilities and techniques, we are able to stay a step ahead of our competitors. We have focused our efforts on promoting and assisting property owners throughout the sale process. This has allowed us to: Improve and provide seamless as well as successful marketing strategies with effective outcomes Our Client’s satisfaction is our number one priority! Remember, it does not matter the type of property that you possess or are looking for; we offer our services with the objective of guaranteeing your satisfaction. Proactive Marketing with Correct Market Pricing! The winning combination! Let us help you today!Let us help you with the sale or purchase of a home and you can be assured your interests will be protected throughout the entire process. Please feel free to call or e-mail us with any questions you may have at any time or simply fill out the form below. We will contact you promptly to answers all questions you may have, with no obligation. We guarantee your privacy. |
SellersCarl J. Pinckney2019-05-02T23:49:19+04:00